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author Airhubapp Team
calendar Jan 3, 2022
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Is eSim permanent in Phone or it can be Removed?

Is eSIM permanent in a phone, or can it be removed?


No, your eSIM isn't stored on your device indefinitely. After installing an eSIM on your smartphone, it can be in one of three states:

Actively installed

On your device but disabled

Or deleted from your device


In reality, erasing an eSIM causes the eSIM to become unrecoverable. At Airhub, we suggest you delete your eSIM only if you have no intention of

returning to the eSIM's location or if your eSIM cannot be topped up within the Airhub app.


What is an eSIM?


An eSIM card is an "embedded" SIM card, to put it simply. When a gadget is eSIM capable, it indicates that the manufacturer has included a little chip in the unit that allows your device to read digital data plans.


Instead of switching SIM cards to acquire data access, you can simply download global eSIM data plans through the Airhub app. eSIMs turn data connectivity into a truly digital experience.


You can actually perform the same things with an eSIM, including but not limited to:


For local data, use your mobile network.

To call, contact, and stay connected to other phones and devices, you'll need cellular coverage.

Data can be seen, scanned, stored, searched, activated, and downloaded to your device.

You can keep your number while switching your phone line.

You'll never have to worry about being charged for roaming again with the cheapest eSIM plan.

Instead of inserting a chip, use a QR code to activate your eSIM plan.

Switch your data plan to the best eSIM plan: local, continental, or international plan via the Airhub app.

Choose from shorter to longer subscription plans to get the most out of your money (based on need)


Please examine our list of eSIM-supported devices here before installing an eSIM.


What does it mean to have a secondary line installed?


Installing data packages is the same as generating numerous channels of connectivity if you have an eSIM compatible device. You may connect to the United States, Russia, and the Netherlands via an American, Russian, or Dutch line.


Those secondary and tertiary lines can be toggled on and off depending on the situation. You'll only need to utilise the American eSIM if you're in range of an American telco/network, and the Russian and Dutch lines are the same.


Please keep in mind that once you install an eSIM, the validity period will begin right away. For example, if you purchase a Dutch eSIM that is valid for one week and includes 2GB of data, the Dutch eSIM will only work for that time period or if you utilise the data in its entirety before the validity period expires.


You may want to keep, disable, or delete an eSIM for a variety of reasons


If your Dutch unlimited data eSIM expires for one of the above reasons, the "Dutch eSIM" line on your phone will no longer be functioning.


From here, you can take the following steps:


- If your eSIM can be reloaded, you can top up your "Dutch eSIM" line, giving you additional data to utilise. To see if your specific eSIM can be reloaded, go to the "my eSIMs" tab in the Airhub app.


- If you can't reload your eSIM, you can delete your "Dutch eSIM" line from your device and download another package.


- If your "Dutch eSIM" has expired and you don't intend to use it again, you can safely delete it from your phone.


- If you're visiting the Netherlands but want to go on a day trip to another country, such as Poland, you can get an esim prepaid plan for Poland and turn off your Dutch line while activating the Poland line. Please keep in mind that your validity period will be active at this time.


- If you have any issues with your eSIM, please don't hesitate to contact us here.